Pagina: Nieuwsbrief response

Reageer op: Gezocht: interim IT Data Architect die verantwoordelijk zal zijn voor het bouwen van een Data Lake.

Verwachte opdrachtduur: 6 maanden, gemiddeld 5 dagen per week.

Plaats/regio: Zuid Holland

Profiel van het bedrijf: Our client is based in South Holland.

Profiel van de opdracht: You will be responsible for Data Lake Development, Dashboarding & Visualization, and Stakeholder Engagement. Your tasks are among others: - Design, implement, and maintain a scalable and efficient data lake architecture. - Integrate data from various sources into the data lake while ensuring data quality and integrity. - Implement data governance policies and procedures to maintain data security and compliance. - Develop interactive dashboards and reports using data visualization tools

Profiel van de manager: -Demonstrated experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining scalable and efficient data lake architectures. -Experience with cloud-based data solutions and architectures -Proficiency in data modeling, database design, and optimization -Experience with data management technologies, such as databases, ETL tools, and data warehousing solution -Familiarity with data analytics, machine learning, and AI concepts -Certifications in/knowledge of relevant areas

Opmerkingen: Please see Michael Website for the full job description

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